Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Product Spotlight: Energy Force Bracelets

If you have watched any professional sporting event lately or looked on the wrists of people around you, you might have noticed a growing trend...Energy Force bracelets. 
They have become such staples to athletes, on and off the field, that people everywhere are rushing out to get their hands on one.

What is all this hype about? Well, let me give you the science behind the bracelets.

Energy force bracelets work off of the idea that everything- whether it is a human, animal, or material object- has its own energy frequency resonating within it. In humans, there is a constant exchange and balance of positive and negative electrical charges. These charges are called ions, and they are what make the systems in our bodies work. When these charges work in-sync with one another, our bodies perform at their optimal level and we are healthy.

Energy Force bracelets are created to restore this balance. They are embedded with two holographic disks. Each disk is charged with an electrical frequency that reacts with your body’s frequencies to help restore it to the optimal electrical balance. 

When wearing an Energy Force bracelet, stamina, balance, endurance, and energy can all be restored within the body. As a result, your brain function may also improve. This improves flexibility and muscle response. Don’t get too excited, the bracelets won’t turn you into a super hero, but they will help your body to reach its highest potential. Most people notice the effects instantaneously. If you don’t trust me read what people who have tried the bracelet have said.

If you are still a little skeptical, come visit the store and try one on. There is a very simple balance test we can help you perform with out the bracelet and with it. This will allow you to see difference the bracelet can make.

Energy Force bracelets come in a variety of sizes and colors. There are other similar products on the market but we’re sticking with Energy Force because each bracelet comes with a lifetime warranty. That’s pretty much like guaranteed energy for life! If you still have questions check out the company's Frequently Asked Question page or come in the store and talk to a Customer Service Rep who can tell you more about the product and the effects that customers have seen. If you already have a bracelet and have noticed the difference, leave a comment and let us know!

To thank you for taking the time to read the blog, I have included a coupon that is good toward the purchase of an Energy Force bracelet. Just print out this coupon and bring it in with you!

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